Discover Our New Coloured uPVC Windows and Door Range

Our stunning new range of coloured uPVC windows and doors come with multiple colour and fascia options – and limitless possibilities!

coloured uPVC windows sliding doors

You can purchase them in a range of colours in a smooth, matte finish; including slate, grey, and black. Giving your home a contemporary look and feel. They offer a unique customisation feature too, which allows you to have the inside a different colour to the outside of your windows and doors. We can create them to perfectly match the interior and exterior of your home, whatever your colour scheme is.

You can also choose between a regular fit, or a flush fit. The flush fit will align your window or door flat against the wall, instead of it sticking out, as is the traditional design.

Whichever style and colour scheme you choose, your choice is sure to stand out on any street, catching the eye of prospective home buyers, curious neighbours, and potential customers strolling past.

Coloured uPVC Windows

The new uPVC range includes windows, doors, and sliding doors.

uPVC windows are an affordable, stylish way to add more value to your home. They’re long-lasting, making them great value for money.

Their design means they’re perfect for thermal and acoustic insulation, helping to keep the heat in and damp out of your house, and protecting you from noise pollution. Perfect if you live close to, or on, a busy main road.

The durability and energy efficiency they offer makes them further great value for money, saving you money on your gas and electricity bills thanks to their enhanced insulation.

Discover Our New Coloured uPVC Windows and Door Range

To create your new windows and doors, the raw materials are sent to our Dagenham warehouse. We then manufacture them to your bespoke requirements. 

Whether you’re looking for a black exterior to compliment your red brick with grey interior to match your grey walls, or a classic white inside and outside, we can provide you with uPVC windows and doors to fit your needs.

Our stylish new uPVC windows and doors are available now. To find out more, check out our colour options and brochures here, call us on 0208 514 0819 or contact us.